"It is an imperative duty owed to the integrity of the state," he told a news conference in Montreal.
By the time he reached the ranch Applehead had persuaded himself that the immediate gathering of his cattle was an imperative duty and that he himself must perform it.
I imagined, that it was my imperative duty to take her from scenes that thus forcibly reminded her of her loss.
It is the imperative duty of the Independents to prove that this besotted brute was not Mark Twain himself.
And nevertheless one must learn how to find fault; and it is even an imperative duty to blame when the blame is deserved.
When the Pastor Emeritus sends a letter or message to that little Sanhedrin, it is the Clerk's "imperative duty" to read it "at the place and time specified."
It is his "imperative duty."
It should be regarded as an imperative duty, therefore, to grant Nature such an opportunity every morning just after breakfast.
Backers of the referendum then sued to overturn this finding, arguing that the promotion of professional sports was not one of the "imperative duties" of government.
The incoming Executive had an imperative duty to prevent that.