They warn Rhys of the impending violence, and Javan fakes an illness to summon Rhys to his chambers.
Local citizens warned the black and white activists of the impending violence and demanded that they forfeit their guns, even though carrying weapons was customary at the time.
He never disclosed who had told him about the impending violence, and many skeptics say it was only a pretext.
The sound of the van's engine is amplified, implying impending violence.
In the early going, Ms. Moore sets up several conflicts that seem to hint at impending violence.
The air was a mixture of resentment and caution, but gratefully she sensed no impending violence.
Baring a single breast was a visual motif of Classical Greek sculpture, where among other situations, including seductions, it often represented impending physical violence or rape.
Saudi Arabian intervention, however, defused the situation with both sides arriving at an agreement that averted the impending violence.
A comparative newcomer to the directorial ranks, he has managed to keep the atmosphere of this leisurely paced film charged with impending violence.
Mr. Madrazo's investigation disclosed that several desperate attempts to warn the villagers and state authorities of the impending violence.