Fertig's return to OVW was also due to his involvement in a bar fight, and subsequent impending lawsuits meant that WWE decided to take Fertig off television.
I sat with Ms. Max's civil lawyer, Joel Berger, who has filed notice of an impending lawsuit against the city for false arrest, among other matters.
With an impending lawsuit against the hospital, the lawyers wish to gain more money for the accident and encourage Callie to admit that Derek will never operate again.
Under cross-examination, Mr. Neuhausen said that his decision to delete the e-mail messages had nothing to do with any impending lawsuits or investigations.
Procedures Strenghthened According to Mr. Goldman, the impending lawsuit would determine if the department can obtain "event planning information through covert means."
But Joseph N. Mondello, Presiding Supervisor of Hempstead and the county Republican leader, said that the board could withstand the legal challenge, and dismissed the impending lawsuit as a power grab.
'Absolutely No Merit' The Mittermayers have scoffed at the impending lawsuit.
But officials, while expressing condolences, refuse to answer questions on the advice of lawyers, because of an impending lawsuit.
Because of its financial problems and the impending lawsuits, the company cannot return to the capital markets for desperately needed financing.
Upon knowledge of an impending lawsuit, the show's producers contacted Fox lawyers, who informed them that a city could not technically sue for defamation.