Both have power and charisma and the ability to turn impending defeat into spectacular victory with one or two electrifying plays.
He was warning of Israel's impending total defeat, but "Temple" was also the code word for nuclear weapons.
Along similar lines, bosses were given their own visible lifebars to aid the player and to add a more tangible feeling to their impending defeat.
Foreseeing impending defeat due to much less numbers and being seriously wounded,but he never surrendered and fought against the Mughals all his life.
Sensing impending defeat, I decided to alter my tone from aggressive inquiry to obsequious supplication.
We soldiers were the last small spark of hope for the homeland, that the impending defeat might be concluded without disaster.
Her vengefulness is also displayed when she rejects John's pragmatic approach towards an impending defeat, by murdering him.
The cause of death was suicide, most likely prompted by Germany's impending defeat in the war.
According to one report, people could hardly wait for the attack to start, and everybody wanted to be present at Britain's impending defeat.
When the impending French defeat became apparent, Sosabowski ordered his forces to retreat to the Atlantic coast.