The service was impeccably polite; the book shelves came pre-assembled.
They nodded back at Dyannis, reserved but impeccably polite.
He was extremely taciturn, volunteering no information whatever regarding himself, though impeccably polite in all his dealings with others.
The impeccably polite author put a finger to his lips.
Because this is France, the people are impeccably polite, with a reserve that doesn't lead to casual conversation with tourists.
Everyone in the office noticed the new, impeccably polite coldness between Miranda and Adam.
Although he was impeccably polite, he tried to confine his off-camera sightings to the tennis courts at Wimbledon.
'Pardonez nun, monsieur,' said the impeccably polite French voice of the contract killer on the end of the line.
The man was impeccably polite, and yet he continued to fluster her.
The request sounded impeccably polite, but tinged with dry sarcasm.