You came to me, sir, because of my impeccable reputation in these matters.
Despite his superstar status, Liu maintains an impeccable reputation in the entertainment industry.
A man of my impeccable reputation cannot afford to be seen associating with people living in sin.
He added: "That's a pretty thin case to bring against a person of such impeccable reputation."
He has an impeccable reputation which has been built for over a generation.
It was the basis of his impeccable reputation.
Its impeccable reputation, which had taken several centuries to create, was suffering from a proliferation of mediocre or poor wine.
What I found, while researching the book, was that she has an impeccable reputation, both professionally and personally.
"Elizabeth Dole has an impeccable reputation for being a person of high moral character," the letter states.
You've enjoyed a very distinguished career and an impeccable reputation in the law enforcement community.