Johnson, whose nearly impeccable performance at shortstop after Elster's sidelining was nothing short of a revelation, is something less than a proven defensive commodity at the position.
He made his name in Tiger Cup 2004, when his impeccable performances between the sticks helped Singapore to a memorable triumph.
With his impeccable performance and rapid promotions, everyone could see Xavier was a rising star in the military ranks.
What a resounding, powerful, impeccable performance.
With his improbable tear in the second set and an impeccable performance in the tie breaker, the Las Vegan delivered on his pledge.
To this of course was added Steinberg's relentless demand for impeccable and dynamic performances.
India owed the triumph immensely to an impeccable performance under the bar by Subrata Paul.
Despite Kraken's impeccable performance, Dredd's unappealable decision was to fail him, believing that "a leopard can't change its spots.
The sixteen members, all young women from fifteen to eighteen years of age, gave impeccable performances, playing their concerts from memory.
This character, as well as their otherwise impeccable performance, made them famous in the area.