The so-called impartial investigators have shot an air ball when they say that Knight has displayed a "pattern of inappropriate behavior."
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should appoint an impartial investigator to get to the bottom of this unfolding scandal.
Obviously, conjuring is one of the hypotheses that any impartial investigator must take into account.
The interests of the larger community can be served only when problematic police shootings are thoroughly and fairly investigated by objective, impartial and independent investigators.
I am neither judge, nor jury; I am impartial investigator.
Mr. De Witte makes no pretense of being an impartial investigator.
Dash felt that Starr was acting as an "aggressive advocate" instead of an impartial investigator.
But there is an important role for the Federal Government in being an impartial, unbiased investigator of certain sensitive areas.
Brooks' own possible involvement in the phone hacking scandal made her unable to continue as an impartial investigator.
We hadn't seen each other in years, but..." "But when his name came up, I reacted more like a jealous husband than an impartial investigator.