However, if the dominant response is incorrect, social presence produces an impaired performance.
It was found that damage to the thalamus also caused impaired performance on both tasks, but at longer delay intervals.
All that can lead to impaired performance, premature osteoporosis and infertility.
First, can we explain the impaired performance that these patients produce in terms of our functional models?
Ms. Banks, the Red Bank coach, has seen girls obsessed with weight suffer distress and impaired performance.
However, impaired performance was measured on psychometric measures assumed to assess higher order executive function.
In contrast, individuals with autism typically demonstrated impaired performance on tasks that do require mentalizing.
Lack of synchronization resulted in impaired performance in a standard test of memory.
The researchers found that the presence of audiences impaired performance on the complex list and assisted performance on the simpler task.
The inability to concentrate leads to impaired performance on tests.