The impact broke the handle of the spade and produced shooting pains in my left shoulder.
Such an impact might easily produce a global winter such that which as killed the dinosaurs millions of years ago back on Earth.
The impact produces a compressive wave that travels down the shaft of the foundation.
The impact produces a shock wave that propagates through the intermediate balls.
Every impact, tiny or major, produced a fountain of plasma.
That move will have only a small effect on annual profits, the company said, although the impact will produce much larger quarterly swings.
But the impact itself was a random event: chaotic, in that small differences could have produced large, even unpredictable consequences.
A large primary impact produces many fragments that sail long and far, becoming quite separated spatially.
The impact may also have produced acid rain, depending on what type of rock the asteroid struck.
"The impact produces an accretionary pile rather than a crater."