The lack of control, westernization, adverse impacts to the environment, loss of culture and traditions outweigh the benefits of establishing large scale ecotourism.
This is usually done in cases where the negative impact of a conviction far outweigh the crime committed.
Has the negative impact of the tax cut on the economy via its effect on interest rates outweighed the positive effect on consumer spending?
But, because this price war involves just ten items, its impact on revenue will be small, and outweighed by the positive effects of all the publicity.
I feel that the psychological impact of reparations would outweigh even the economic ones, and yield a healthier society as a whole.
We have no doubt this would confirm that APD's negative impact on UK GDP significantly outweighs its revenue benefit for the Treasury.
Most said the impact on producers would outweigh any reduction in fuel consumption.
Critics maintain that its negative environmental impacts outweigh its benefits.
Stagecoach chairman Brian Souter later went on record to say the negative impact of Stagecoach's actions had outweighed any financial gain it had made from operating in Darlington.
The proposal's negative impact on legitimate transactions on this occasion outweighs the suggested benefits against money laundering.