The evidence for this event comes from the dating of lunar samples, which indicates that most impact melt rocks formed at that time.
An impact hot enough to boil the oceans, even melt the mountains.
Many of the feldspathic lunar meteorites probably originated from the lunar far side, and impact melts within these have recently been dated.
The impact melted the rock, and lava flowed up from inside Mars to cover the hole.
A later impact on the surface of Mars melted the leeched material forming black glassy veins.
The crater floor consists of complex structures, including ejecta deposits, impact melts and possibly units placed by effusive volcanism.
If the surface of Titan is icy, a high-speed cometary impact will temporarily melt the ice.
The impact melts or boils the water in the subsurface producing a distinctive pattern of material surrounding the crater.
Giant impacts at this speed typically destroy the incident body, and melt the entire surface of the impactee.
Some very smooth and smooth plains materials that form the floors of c5 and c4 craters may be impact melt.