Even if the asteroid turns out to be smaller than first believed, its impact likely would have made history.
If we were going really slowly, she thought, the impacts wouldn't make any noise.
Each had meant something special to him, had made a significant impact on his life.
The impact didn't make much noise, but it was enough to wake the door guard.
They heard him go down, the impact of the heavy body against the earth made it shiver under their feet.
The slight impact of a small body on the bed made Molly look up.
Its impact would have made a single large crater, not a long trail of them such as we see here.
Lyrics and vocal impact simply didn't make the necessary mark.
The impact made the thing recoil as if in pain, but it didn't let go.
But in an Internet world, the speed at which we do them and the impact of constant change make those jobs different.