Sovereign immunity laws ensure that action cannot be brought against the Florida government for more than $200,000, with an exception for breach of contract cases.
But feminists and legal experts also question whether the assumptions in any spousal immunity law adequately allow for the complexity of contemporary relationships.
Many states have carved out a co-conspirator exception to their spousal immunity law.
Experts said that the charitable immunity law only applied to charitable institutions, not individuals.
Mr. Berlusconi said any change in the immunity law could not be enacted until after his trial.
The immunity law protected the top five officials in the government, including the prime minister.
Because of immunity laws, he could not be prosecuted for his role in the killing.
Massachusetts General argued that an earlier version of the charitable immunity law, which barred all damages, protected the hospital from having to pay anything.
There is talk of amending the charitable immunity law to raise or eliminate the liability limit.
Whether the immunity law applies tends to be decided only after trial.