For she had stolen in when the others were gone to gaze with rapture upon the immortal form of her foster son.
We meet with elder mortal coils and with our own immortal adult forms.
--not Eva, but only the frail seed of that bright, immortal form with which she shall yet come forth, in the day of the Lord Jesus!
He began to smell and taste the water of the well through his own sensory organs, not through the supernatural awareness of his immortal form.
Specific imagery of resurrection into immortal form is found in the Pauline letters:
No embalmer shall extract the heart and brain from my immortal form.
The survivors on Mars engaged in selective breeding programs that created an advanced, immortal physical form.
He will be weak and thus He has chosen to reside in a human body until He can gain strength and return to His immortal form.
The moment was timeless; quiet for her; she didn't see the white faces of her new kin, the splendid immortal forms caught in their eerie stillness.
In his immortal form, he would see a race of slugs, after gaining intelligence, destroy themselves in another holocaust.