However, the real work is done by nasty, immoral characters like me, reporting through totally different channels.
He asks Reena to blackmail Prithvi in order to expose his immoral character to Meera.
The immoral characters are forgiven within the play and there is a lack of moral commentary within the plot.
The story begins November 23, 1850 with four "immoral" characters exiled from Poker Flat.
It takes yet another layer of artifice to capture Wycherley's immoral, self-absorbed characters onstage, and that's the theatrical trick.
Mary's petition charged that Lee "habitually consorted with immoral women and now is living in open and notorious adultery with women of well-known immoral character."
But wives, alongside common prostitutes and women of known immoral character, were excluded from the protection of section 3(2).
In daylight, young boys stood along Broadway and "exposed for sale, works of the most indecent and immoral character," fumed The New York Herald in 1845.
They can be disciplined, even dismissed, for incompetence, inefficiency, insubordination and immoral character, among other grounds.
In "An Ideal Husband" by Oscar Wilde, Mrs. Cheveley (a rather immoral character) says: