He sprouted a rapid fire of commands, a clear indication of the seriousness with which he regarded the imminent visit of the Arkonide robots.
The lawmakers' imminent visit was already causing consternation at the highest levels of the immigration service weeks beforehand.
So his sudden announcement today of an imminent visit came as a jolt, forcing Palestinians and Israelis to scramble to get ready.
It was followed a few minutes later by a second US government 787 carrying all the staff that would be required for the president's imminent Chinese visit.
He apparently granted the interview because of the imminent visit by President Bush.
Mendoza said he was not concerned about Hernandez's imminent visit.
He added cheerfully that a week earlier the price would have been $100, but that an imminent visit by the Mongolian president was making gasoline more expensive.
In the meantime, Honduras faces an imminent visit from a multimember international verification commission established by the treaty.
This is an issue which I shall raise during my second and very imminent visit to the United States, at the end of this month.
Olli Heinonen, the IAEA's former chief inspector, sent these thoughts on the imminent visit.