I have recently received information from the Legitimacy which makes it clear that total defeat at the hands of the Hadranics is an imminent possibility.
It is not a stretch to say 83% might be capable of this were there a real and imminent possibility of them being sent there.
In dynamic situations, like a run chase with an imminent possibility of rain, it is quite common for coaches to update tactics using signals.
Now we are confronting the imminent possibility that human faces will be transplanted.
They have been taking in about $25,000 a week, he said, "and we've been growing," with $30,000 an imminent possibility.
The information age makes this a more imminent possibility.
Officials question whether that is really an imminent possibility.
Newspeak may have been a plausible invention in 1948, when totalitarian thought control still seemed an imminent possibility.
She understood what was happening ... the imminent possibility of gunfire in the bedroom.
Turkey has a very long way to go before EU membership can be an imminent possibility.