Can Drew Nieporent, one of its owners, give his all to this project while also dealing with the imminent opening of Nobu 57 uptown?
However, with the imminent opening of the first serious talks on Cambodia's future that will include the Vietnamese, that policy is no longer enough.
But some fliers trumpeting the imminent opening of Pleasure Planet did not conjure images of crisply folded khakis.
Also Guliyev predicted the imminent opening of the Neptunian rings.
In addition to putting the Bronx on the monumental map, this heroic production draws attention to the college's silver anniversary and the imminent opening of its sports complex.
By late January, the plague is in full retreat, and the townspeople begin to celebrate the imminent opening of the town gates.
Do the imminent opening of Basra's commercial airport and the sudden influx of new cars for sale from Dubai foreshadow the path ahead?
And the French connection is as strong as ever, perhaps even stronger, because of the imminent opening of Macari Vineyards in Mattituck.
Dressed in a Japanese kimono, she distributed cards announcing the imminent opening on East 59th Street of Chie, her store featuring her fur designs.
On 14 March 1932, three postage stamps were issued to commemorate the imminent opening of the bridge.