McCain gamely defended the legislation, which by then bore the odor of imminent defeat.
Nasser was thus salvaged as an Arab champion and transformed imminent military defeat into political victory.
Faced with imminent defeat and the threat of a hanging, Brasiliano tries a final gamble to escape.
Since he appeared to be delusional, it was possible that his psychological structures would collapse in the face of imminent defeat.
Combined with his basic temperament, it allowed him to recognize the next best thing in the face of imminent defeat.
With the rebels known to be advancing, his absence from this city was seen by many as a sign of imminent defeat, at least here.
A roll of the dice can convert imminent defeat into victory.
Koch was one of the many who foresaw Nazism's imminent defeat.
Hitler only acknowledged Germany's imminent defeat mere days prior to his suicide.
The servants, terrified by the onset of the fighting and the rumors of the city's imminent defeat, failed to return.