The Senate plans to resume debate today on its proposed immigration overhaul, which has withstood more than a week of bombardment from critics right and left.
The special provision was part of the immigration overhaul approved by Congress last October.
In calling for a broader immigration overhaul, Mr. Bush said again Thursday that his approach did not amount to amnesty.
Congress should also cure a legal mess left over from the 1986 immigration overhaul.
Democratic leaders say that unless Congress restores the confidence of the middle class, it will be hard to sell Americans on more trade or even an immigration overhaul.
The feeling grows that any hope of an immigration overhaul is dead for the year.
The actions bolstered the law enforcement provisions of the Senate's immigration overhaul, legislation that the White House has signaled it supports.
The House has passed several bills focused on border security, and has avoided negotiations with the Senate on a broader immigration overhaul.
Their party was splintered over Mr. Bush's proposed immigration overhaul and uncertain about the political effect of violence in Iraq.
The increase in filings comes amid talk of an immigration overhaul, with some proposals introduced in Congress linking amnesty to the payment of taxes.