And the United States currently makes only 5,000 green cards annually available worldwide for low-wage workers to immigrate permanently; in recent years, only a few of those have gone to Mexicans.
Even though these visas are issued to people who have the intent to immigrate permanently to the United States, they are still technically classified as nonimmigrant visas (temporary).
Anyone who wants to immigrate permanently is tested for signs of the virus, and those found to be infected are barred from the country.
Ah Ken is claimed to have arrived in the area during the 1840s; he is the first Chinese person credited as having permanently immigrated to Chinatown.
They likely immigrated permanently to Upper Canada in 1808.
He immigrated to Mexico permanently in 1924, joined the party in 1927, and maintained his party membership until 1947.
As newspapers had political implications, Bahrke was threatened with the punishment of imprisonment and in 1898 he left and immigrated permanently to the United States.
During this era, trade between China and the Middle East increased, and many Arabs, Persians, and other foreigners entered China, some permanently immigrating.
Chong was born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1958, and immigrated permanently to the United States in 1977.
She also noted that she and her husband were not interested in permanently immigrating to the United States, "except, perhaps, when they retire."