Hussain visits high schools to discuss his writing and life as an immigrant teenager.
As an immigrant teenager, Edwidge's disorientation in her new surroundings was a source of discomfort for her, and she turned to literature for solace.
The schools are also abandoning plans to expand intensive English programs for immigrant teenagers, he added.
Ms. Sternlieb must micromanage everything for immigrant teenagers like Gerta, seeing that each deadline is met and that no piece of paper leaves her office stained with soda.
Ataf is involved in a youth hip-hop program in Tingbjerg, Denmark, which encourages immigrant teenagers in express themselves through music.
Two retired police officers had opened a clubhouse there for immigrant teenagers who had been in trouble with the police.
Review from What's Special: Spanish bilingual instruction for new immigrant teenagers.
Among first-generation immigrant teenagers, 8 percent report using three or more controlled substances.
It was a brand-new school, and would specialize in teaching English to immigrant teenagers.
But the immigrant teenagers have become easy prey for criminals who linger just off school grounds.