Educating illegal immigrants represents the biggest price tag for the states.
For example, immigrants represent a vital influx of raw material with which the city can, once again, re-invent itself.
Yet foreign immigrants represented anywhere from 8 to 37 percent of the prison population of the Southern states during this period.
Fifty-eight immigrants from Ireland represented just under half of the 119 adults from other nations.
The immigrants represent the gamut of Haitian society, from the poorest peasants to highly trained professionals.
Recent African immigrants represent a minority of blacks in these three jurisdictions.
In addition, illegal immigrants represent a substantial share of overall employment in quite a few industries, some of which require extensive skills and training.
Russian Jewish immigrants who moved to Western Massachusetts during the same period represent a significantly smaller number of the population.
Uruguayan immigrants represent a very distinct case in Argentina, for they may pass unnoticed as "foreigners".
The major potential immigrants represent archaic forms that probably wouldn't have directly competed with the disappearing forms anyway.