The church community grew in the early 20th century as immigrants poured into the neighborhood.
Even though many Britons seem to think immigrants are pouring in, that is no longer the case.
About 1.5 million immigrants pour into the European Union every year.
Throughout the mid- to late-19th century immigrants poured in, forming their own ethnic churches.
The parish was created in 1842 by the archdiocese to accommodate Irish immigrants pouring into the area.
Almost 500,000 immigrants a year pour over the border to take backbreaking unskilled jobs that Americans don't want.
Asian immigrants are pouring into Flushing, starting small businesses and buying real estate.
The Irish weren't the only immigrants pouring in.
Illegal immigrants have been pouring into Spain over the last five years, drawn mostly by jobs produced by the country's growing economy.
All the Irish immigrants pouring into New York had a difficult time finding jobs.