Latinos, Asians and other new immigrants fill the long waiting lists for overenrolled adult English classes.
"Nobody wants to do them, and the immigrants fill the gap."
For one thing, immigrants have filled the void in many neighborhoods left by deindustrialization and corporate downsizing.
THat article says immigrants fill jobs that local labour can't fill.
(It also has a rapidly expanding Hispanic population as immigrants fill manual jobs.)
As a result, immigrants disproportionately filled those jobs.
Russian immigrants, absent just over three years ago, now fill 10 seats between two parties.
Many studies escape from this dilemma, if that is the word, by resorting to the familiar argument that immigrants fill "jobs American won't take."
To the Editor: Both you and the president seem to think that illegal immigrants are filling jobs that Americans don't want.
The new immigrants have already filled about a quarter of the 120,000 jobs held by residents of the occupied territories inside Israel.