Many such immigrants suddenly discovered they were now expected to fight for their new country.
German immigrants to the area in the mid-1840s discovered that the open prairie had already been claimed and made their claims deep within the grove.
Most recently, Asian and Indochinese immigrants have discovered New Mexico.
If these immigrants arrived in New York and discovered that the streets were not paved with gold, they merely shrugged and determined to do some repaving.
In the aftermath of the recent raids, many illegal immigrants are discovering that aspiring to the American dream can be a nightmare.
This has become a common scene in several towns in Bergen County, and elsewhere, as immigrants with or without legal status have discovered a means of work in the suburbs.
The immigrants, who were recruited in their homelands to come to Brazil, discovered that the promises made to them by the Brazilian government were not fulfilled.
But now there is considerable ethnic diversity, as other immigrants have discovered a promising income in doing nails.
But once here the Soviet immigrants are discovering a cruel paradox.
A hundred years ago, Italian immigrants who had grown grapes and made wine in Italy discovered the fertility of the high plains stretching away from this city in every direction.