The school also has French and English immersion classes.
Other students who were judged to be further from passing the placement tests could enroll in a community college or take immersion classes.
The tribe has created an immersion class for children and a class for adults.
"Everything is done in English or Spanish immersion classes for English-speaking students."
From there, the family moved to Kingston, Ontario, where she continued to take French immersion classes.
Arizona voters passed an initiative that would replace bilingual education with one-year immersion classes meant to bring pupils up to speed in English.
It calls for primary teachers to have additional immersion classes to improve their competence in the language.
The school offers English, and both early and late immersion classes.
The school has students in grades 9-12, and offers both Gifted and French immersion classes.
He started tennis lessons at 7, played piano and clarinet, did gymnastics, took Spanish immersion classes.