The hoofbeats stopped and were followed by a sound as of iron boots coming down on the sidewalk, immensely heavy, shattering the stone.
After another five seconds, very slowly, heavily, he managed to take his hand away from my own immensely heavy arm.
It was immensely heavy and difficult to maneouvre in the garden, but most importantly, it just did not cut the grass very well.
The sword was long and cumbersome and immensely heavy.
The lid was eight inches thick and immensely heavy, meant to be moved by four strong men, not two.
Apart from any other consideration it would seem that there must be a mechanism of some kind to propel those immensely heavy hulls.
It was of thin iron, pointed and edged with bronze, and immensely heavy.
The concept of this immensely heavy, luxuriously hairy, living electrical creature is to me wonderful.
It seemed, in the passion of the second, immensely heavy.
It was immensely heavy - far heavier than I had expected.