And lan, true to his word, had never spoilt them by trying any funny business for which she was immensely grateful.
My ears, and those of every Weill admirer in the audience, are immensely grateful to all.
He was immensely grateful to be working with compassionate, dedicated doctors, who devoted themselves to the sick and suffering.
Matt is immensely grateful to everyone who supported him, and although the challenge is now over, you can still donate.
"I am immensely grateful to you for your loyalty and courage," she said to him, and then turned to me.
She sighed, immensely grateful, and was suddenly too weary to stand.
All three women were immensely grateful to be able to cover themselves, at last.
Morning had yet to dawn, so he was immensely grateful for his superior night vision.
Fear was draining from him, and he felt immensely grateful for it.
My country would be immensely grateful if they knew of your personal generosity to me.