I don't myself see how this immense structure of reason which the Lithians have evolved can stand for an instant.
When they pulled up in front, Lee stared at the immense structure, tugged off his helmet and turned to her.
Packed between us and the immense white structures that crowned it were thousands of the people.
An immense structure, or so it seemed to her, with three magnificent stories of old and muted stone.
The group followed him along an elevated steel walkway through several levels of the immense structure.
What do they think about this immense structure, certainly the greatest enterprise and achievement on their world at this time?
Soon enough, he knew, the immense structure would swing around and we'll all be slung in the opposite direction.
The main plaza was an immense domed structure, big enough to hold six football fields.
It is incredible that thousands of years ago, people were able to build immense structures like the pyramids.
The whole immense structure vanished, leaving men and boats in empty space.