The needles of all the dynamometers were steady; the immense sail was taut, its mirror surface sparkling and glittering gloriously in the sun.
The incredibly crooked streets were almost empty; and only a few barges, with immense rhomboidal sails of mauve and scarlet, crawled to and fro on the somber green waters.
Its 46-foot mast and 28-foot boom (the sail's horizontal support) allowed for an immense sail of 615 square feet.
With a sense of bewilderment close to religion, she perceived the wind of starlight blowing against the immense sails.
JESS TAMBLYN For months, Jess soared in silence, his immense sail drifting through vaporous and colorful oceans of star gases, swirling ions, and other cosmic ingredients that might one day coalesce to form a newborn solar system.
The new figure skating arena was built up beneath the immense sail.
Think Blue, Count Two Before the great ships whispered between the stars by means of plano forming people had to fly from star to star with immense sails huge films assorted in space on long, rigid, cold proof rigging.
"It had a magnificent appearance with its immense sail of white mats; its velocity was almost inconceivable."
Construction of the J. Peter Vajk took longer and cost more, but paid off when it, virtually a colony, spread its immense solar sail and took a thousand people to their goal in half a year and in comparative comfort.
The tall mast and the immense sail didn't add to my peace of mind.