I was continually doomed to hear complaints of the general distress, and to execute orders which augmented the immense sacrifices already made by the city of Hamburg.
Despite her immense sacrifice to eke out a better life for her and her family, Avey gradually loses herself and her priorities in the process.
I knew to give that up would be an immense sacrifice.
Chicago's workers made immense sacrifices for home ownership, contributing to Chicago's sprawling suburban geography and to modern myths about the American dream.
This act of good taste was for her, more than for any other woman, an immense sacrifice.
"Choosing to take a stand, whatever the issue, involves an immense sacrifice and immense emotional problems for the people you're involved with," Menges says.
The C.E.O.'s didn't fully see that they stood alone in appreciation of their immense sacrifice until they went to Capitol Hill to lobby for the settlement's approval.
As Dante dies, Medusa makes it back to the car and to safety - unaware of Dante's immense sacrifice for her own life.
And there are human goods of so high an order that immense sacrifices may have to be borne in their defense.
Were the ends of nature so great and cogent, as to exact this immense sacrifice of men?