His voice echoed in the immense hall.
They found themselves in a hall so immense that the far walls and the ceiling were lost in the shadows.
The immense hall was crowded with nobles and their women, as though some important function was in progress.
In the flickering light from a fire he saw what appeared to be an immense, elaborate hall with walls and floors of green marble.
Kahlan took the shortest route, through the immense hall used for important ceremonies and celebrations.
Their files swung around the corner and marched down the passage by which we had come from the immense hall.
The immense rectangular hall served a dual purpose.
There was not a dry eye in that immense hall.
The area covered is 270,000 square feet of which the immense central hall occupied 79 feet by 183 feet.
The immense hall echoed, and his dripping shoes squeaked on the floor.