Atop one flight of stairs stood a man of immense girth, whose skin yet hung in folds as if he had once been twice so big.
By its reflected light, he saw deserts of oozing, bubbling mud; volcanic mountains of jagged, twisted rock; and-oddly-cylindrical columns of immense girth and width vaulting upward into darkness.
A series of timed explosions flashed around the keelroot's immense girth.
They stayed just off the main track through the forest and presently came to an ancient oak of immense girth, as large as any Quentin had ever seen.
They accomplished that act with a surprising ease and actual grace, despite their immense girth.
It was as if he had used his immense girth to advantage in a way that large men rarely do, preferring to let only their sheer size do the impressing.
Louis was never free from wars and rumours of wars; time and again Suger notes his constant activity (anyway in the campaigning season) in spite of his immense girth.
But it is Mama Bella (Richard Iorio) who dominates the gathering with oversized emotional outbursts that match her immense girth.
And where primitive huts had once proliferated on the shore, sycamores-the European plane tree-now grew to an immense girth above the river walls and dropped curls of bark into the current.
The young otter patted the immense girth of the bole.