South of the Sierra lies the Alcúdia Valley, used as pasture for immense flocks of sheep.
How to mimic the sudden flight of flocks so immense they extinguished the sun?
The peninsula and its islands were noted for immense flocks of duck, geese and other waterfowl.
All the Allied ships put together would be more than doubly outnumbered by that immense flock of German planes.
In March and April, immense flocks of waders can be watched as they depart to their breeding grounds in the northern hemisphere.
"What is required, in a word, is a mission of evangelization capable of engaging all the vital energies in this immense flock."
But he knew there must be dogs close to that immense flock.
Far away yet, but coming fast, was an immense flock of the winged tigers!
She had not yet been docketed, not yet classified; she was still one of that immense flock of cattle, sent in ever-increasing numbers to the slaughter-house.
Most of the machines were fireflies, but at the periphery of their immense flock Yama could detect larger machines employed in defense f the Department.