He drew me near to an immense fireplace.
It appeared to be a kind of sitting-room, for it had a table and several chairs, and an immense fireplace above which ticked an antique clock on a mantel.
Stepping over a ridge along the floor, I found myself beside an immense open fireplace, all trace of grate and mantelpiece removed.
"Regardless, you said he collapsed into the immense fireplace, into the flames-" "That's exactly what he did!"
Books lined two walls, and an immense fireplace warmed the two-story room.
The far wall was broken by an immense fireplace, within whose confines a stack of wood was burning lustily.
Apart from himself and Oskar Rondheim, Pitt counted thirty-two men gathered around the flames crackling in the immense fireplace at the end of the trophy room.
In the south tower there was an immense fireplace, where great pots were boiling and spits were turning.
She walked to the immense fireplace and lifted an ornate silver urn from the mantel.
But even they can't detract from the gilt friezes, immense fireplaces and all-round magnificence.