This publication then launched a long series of works, in which Miklošič showed an immense erudition.
He was known by his immense erudition, his gift of communication, his talent as a teacher and the support of his listeners.
An immense erudition and an immense fancy go hand in hand.
But this is what Frayn has done, with immense erudition (especially linguistic) and more than a dash of wit.
In delivering his eulogy, Ratzinger, quoting de Lubac, called Balthasar, "perhaps the most cultured man of our time," a tribute to Balthasar's immense erudition.
In 1910, with Headlam's support, he became librarian of Lambeth Palace Library, where he extended the foundations of his immense erudition.
Yet behind his earthy manner - the Yiddish word for it is haimish - lay immense erudition and sophistication about life, letters and show business.
Both were men of immense erudition, deep culture and wide experience of travel.
In Millar's assessment, it "combined immense erudition, percipience and sharpness of vision with a curious slapdashness about small details"; these errors were keenly hunted down by contemporary reviewers.
Still more broadly, Mr. Solomon, with immense erudition, shows how imprecise and elusive the most pertinent historical concepts of Classicism and Romanticism are.