He was the complete, unashamed opportunist, with immense charm, and took nothing seriously except his art.
This is a novel of immense charm that flirts with being a spoof.
The secretary of state uses immense charm, straight talk, and fluent French and Russian to get her way.
Located on a ridge about 20 minutes' drive from Nice, it is full of narrow streets and squares, and has immense charm.
Her immense charm and passionate commitment to the material cannot always carry her over the vocal hurdles.
"He has immense charm and a wonderful sense of our culture of Western civilization."
I held up my wrists and he smiled with that immense charm of his.
He can be a person of immense charm.
A man of immense personal charm, he became a vituperative, house-trashing menace.
He had great physical presence and attraction, and immense charm.