When Palumbo approached Pagano for approval, Pagano immediately vetoed the hit.
But the State Department immediately vetoed the proposal.
Mickey immediately vetoed Promised Land, New Canaan, and Allah.
Friedkin immediately vetoed this by stating it would become a "Brando movie."
In the budget struggles here, he vowed that he would immediately veto any resolution that would keep the government running temporarily.
"Absolutely not," Shana vetoed immediately.
On April 6, the Vermont State Senate approved the amendments made by the House and presented the revised bill to the governor, who immediately vetoed it.
When Mr. Ba heard my solution to the requirement he immediately vetoed it, saying the letters must be individually written and addressed to our families.
Eisler immediately vetoed his order saying that "we couldn't delay the revolution for a day."
He immediately vetoed a bill they had enacted to aid New York City, saying it would tax city dwellers too much, and again charged they had acted unconstitutionally.