As an immediate sequel, the world-old alliance between Blifil and Black George was immediately revived against Paul Morton.
Although a resounding success with the Weimar critics and audience, the opera was not immediately revived in other opera houses.
It then enjoyed a lengthy provincial tour and being immediately revived when the theatre reopened on 14 October 1873.
La muette was revived in Paris immediately after the French July Revolution of 1830.
Crow's spirits immediately revived.
Much to their shock, Caleb is revived with another power transfusion from the First and immediately knocks Angel unconscious with a devastating blow.
The contestant with the highest judges' score (above 39.0 points) was immediately revived without facing the public votes.
Two contestants were revived - the one with the highest judges' score was immediately revived and put through to the finals without facing the public votes.
It met with a lukewarm reception and was not immediately revived.
But they also made it clear that the offering was unlikely to be revived immediately, given the market's current turmoil.