Buying and then immediately reselling sports tickets on eBay and other auction sites can mean a quick profit for agile arbitrageurs.
The businessman who bought it from the government, A. L. Batra, reportedly paid 830 million rupees ($17.29 million) and then immediately resold the property for 1.15 billion rupees ($23.95 million).
In other cases, the dealer immediately resells the bond to another investor.
Klein then immediately resold the sheet to "Colonel" H. R. Green, son of Hetty Green, for US$20,000.
According to the papers, Hungary sold a former embassy building in Moscow for $21mln to an offshore company of V.Vekselberg, who immediately resold it to the Russian government for $111mln.
However, for various reasons, McClatchy decided to immediately resell twelve of these papers.
Documents show that Hiss transferred title for the car to a dealer who immediately resold the car to a known Communist party member.
Some were bought directly by breeders while many were purchased by brokers who immediately resold them in America at the various Thoroughbred auctions.
Farrell Lines immediately resold Soubarissen to Echhardt & Co.
If they immediately resold the condo, which they bought just this month, he said, "it would sell for $2 million or $2.1 million."