He hushed immediately, hearing the snap of a twig not so far away.
"Bethina," someone said, immediately hushed by several others.
"Keep the noise down," said Suzie, and Tommy hushed immediately.
Those in the brown robes immediately hushed, falling into a silence so deep they might have all tumbled into a well.
The others, who had been cheering them on, immediately hushed, and the newcomer turned to Raistlin.
The crowd immediately hushed, leaned forward eagerly to hear her words.
He hushed immediately, staring around in alarm at the weird way his words echoed through the silent streets.
As Episode 13 got under way, the first question immediately hushed the crowd.
The Betazoid immediately hushed her, pointing ahead of them in the forest.
There was a resounding cheer that hushed immediately as the four came to a halt before the fortress.