He immediately eased his grip and brought her hand to his lips, gently kissing her palm.
Sandy immediately eased back on the stick, and the small plane quickly rose another thousand feet.
Her gaze sought Samah's, and whatever tension had existed between them immediately eased and slackened.
But that eased immediately after surgery, Cone said, when doctors informed him that nothing serious was uncovered.
He immediately and gently eased the mouthpiece between Summer's lips.
Some of the hard lines of tension etching her face eased immediately.
Whatever he was putting on her neck immediately eased the burn.
The litter-bearers arrived and immediately eased Pitt onto the stretcher.
He immediately eased the big .45 out of its holster and laid it in his lap.
I would like to see this situation immediately eased and I have made representations to the relevant minister in this regard.