Their son, Martin, 17 at the time, was arrested, based on a police-written confession that he never signed and immediately disavowed.
Clearly embarrassed by the document, the campaign immediately disavowed it.
Aberhart immediately disavowed any "intention of drastic legislation" and, after studying Hargrave's plan, announced that neither he nor his cabinet supported it.
But he immediately disavowed his confession and has insisted on his innocence ever since.
Mr. Tankleff never signed it and immediately disavowed it.
Harrison immediately disavowed the venture, he being the least attached to the band's legacy of all the former Beatles.
It was not completed and was never signed, and the son immediately disavowed it.
Mr. Tankleff was convicted mainly because of a disputed confession, which he immediately disavowed and never signed.
We must immediately disavow Bush's preemptive war policy.
The American State Department immediately disavowed the Pentagon's characterization.