The hawks want an immediate first strike before the system goes down.
Which is why, for the last seven days, we've been ready, at the first sign of trouble, to mount an immediate strike against Crow Ridge.
But Jess had in mind a more immediate strike, a blow that he could observe soon, while his anger still burned high.
Because of their limited range, their potential use was heavily constrained (they could not, for example, threaten Moscow with an immediate strike).
This put an end to the immediate strike, but the conflict flared again less than two months later, and led to the La Coruña massacre.
President Clinton could have ordered an immediate strike.
With this information, Kirk recommends that Starfleet conduct an immediate strike on the weapon.
In protest at the teacher's death the teachers' unions ordered an immediate strike in all schools.
"This resolution stopped an immediate strike against Iraq, but only an immediate strike," he said.
Some of the more militant members of the union are calling for an immediate strike.