He made an immediate splash to his senior career against local rivals Armagh by scoring a goal in the first thirty seconds.
Instead of making the immediate splash expected of most high draft picks, Jones's eye and leg problems limited him to 12 tackles in 16 games as a rookie.
Making their island debut in 2011, the Sharks made an immediate splash by having 2,139 in attendance for opening day.
Telecommunications is just one way in which China's trade organization membership will make an immediate splash.
Most new governors in New Jersey roll into office giddy from victory, determined to make an immediate splash.
Death from Above 1979 made an immediate splash upon debuting in 2004 with You're a Woman, I'm a Machine.
This repertory theater on the prairie, with Mr. Zeisler as its managing director and producer from 1963 to 1970, made an immediate splash.
Early this year, the band comes out with its self-titled debut, making a immediate splash on the Country scene.
The Bulls made an immediate splash in their first game, in which they blew out the Washington Federals 53-14.
Le Guen was well known for unearthing and nurturing young talent and made an immediate splash in the transfer market.