But whatever Mr. Chuan does, no immediate recovery is expected.
As many as 60% of patients, when sleep-deprived, show immediate recovery, although most relapse the following night.
Molyneux's problem is a thought experiment in philosophy concerning immediate recovery from blindness.
This could make an immediate recovery - if there is one - much slower.
If an immediate recovery was not in Hweeh's interest, Herald would decline the case.
At least beyond immediate recovery," he amended firmly, "for recover her we shall.
They immediately ordered the immediate recovery of the book, but Marcus has disappeared along with it.
After the first dose of Arnica 0/1 there was immediate recovery.
Unfortunately for the prospects of immediate recovery, many who have access to capital are reluctant to use it.
So short of an immediate recovery, this recession will be longer than the 11-month average length of recessions since the war.