In this sense, Morgan can seem intent on cutting to the immediate occasion of the poetic.
The immediate occasion for the beginning of the organized euthanasia of children is considered in the literature to be the so-called case of "Child K".
As she will certainly not set off for some days, there is no immediate occasion for it.
But I shall take immediate occasion to have their noble remains shipped to you ("Great heavens!")
The immediate occasion is Horius's discovery of foul play between his wife and Geleron.
This is not borne out by his general attitude, nor by his ruling on 3 March, which was the immediate occasion of the split.
He would wait until the immediate occasion had passed, he decided, his heart threatening to burst within him.
Nor does Selinunte bear any important part in the war of which it was the immediate occasion.
For him, an interpretation is determined not by the immediate occasion but by a lifetime of study and playing.
The immediate occasion was an attempt to discipline a Magdeburg preacher who had expressed heretical views.