But the lessons of AIDS provide the immediate impetus for the growing activism around breast cancer.
The immediate impetus for last week's price jump, the analysts said, was reports of a speculator buying large amounts of future contracts for January.
The immediate impetus for compulsory voting at the federal level was the low voter turnout (59.38 percent) at the 1922 federal election.
Second, it removed the immediate impetus for the Bells to invest in television.
The immediate impetus was, 'Don't do today what you could put off indefinitely.'
Government needs to provide an immediate impetus to get the economy moving.
Muslim historians say that the immediate impetus for a military march north was the mistreatment of emissaries.
Terrorism is the immediate impetus, but purveyors of preparedness are selling it as chicken soup.
This was the immediate impetus that led to the creation of the Toleration Party.
Clearly, the immediate impetus is budgetary.